
Our struggle is beautiful

"We must move past indecision to action. Now let us begin. Now let us re-educate ourselves to the long and bitter, but beautiful struggle for a new world. This is the calling of the sons of God, and our brothers wait eagerly for our response."

Friday, 24 December 2010

Over indulgence

There is something totally unsatisfying and uncomfortable about overeating. It doesn’t matter how many buttons you undo, which position you sprawl yourself on the sofa- your stomach still feels like a dead weight. Although, it’s funny that when the food entered our mouths, over eating was the last thing on our agenda.

Walking into Argos this morning made me feel a little queasy, with the number of people buying last minutes gifts. Spending into the hundreds and it hit me that probably only a handful of all these people would actually stop and give thanks that a saviour was born to die for our sins.

Christmas is probably the most common period of over indulgence, Not just with food, but money and retail abuses this and can leave us squeezed dry before we enter the new year. Although there is nothing wrong with eating good food, spending time with family and friends and sharing gifts, let us not forget the REAL reason behind CHRISTmas (no, that was not a typo.) You cannot place a cross or strike out his name. His name is a permanent stamp that cannot be erased.

I understand that some people don’t agree with the basis of CHRISTmas, for what ever reason. I’ve heard people say, “It’s all pagan tradition…or Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th” but my reply to that is that if you believe that Jesus died and three days later rose again, then you have to accept and believe his birth. Who cares if it wasn’t the 25th of December- what matters is that we acknowledge his birth otherwise we would still be confined to a life of condemnation. At times we feel that it was Jesus's duty to die for our sins- but at any point he could have held his hands up and said, “I’ve had enough! I want out!” and then ascended back to heaven. But he didn’t. He stuck it out. He came in the form of a baby and lead his life until they whipped him and hung him on a cross. That’s love. That’s sacrifice. That’s dedication. That’s giving your all. And it cost more than an x-box or Nintendo Wii- it cost him his life.

There’s no guilt trip involved in this blog, just the truth of a message that gets lost when all the presents have been opened and all the turkey’s finished. I just hope and pray that this finds you in good health and that just for a moment you give thanks for the birth of a beautiful saviour, who began his journey as a babe, all for our sake. The greatest gift anyone could wish for.

Merry Christmas

I came, I saw. I blog

Ruthie x

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